Offset spray pattern: dirt or build-up on the nozzle seat can cause the spray pattern to be offset to one side and give poor atomisation.
Delivery volume: Fuel flow should match the manufactures specifications and there should be no variation across the injectors, also the ecu opens the injectors for the correct length of time but any dissruption to the fuel flow can cause the related cylinder to run lean.
Injector leakage or dribble: When the injector shuts off there can be drips of fuel, due to fuel passing the seat and dripping into cylinder.this can cause hard starting and high fuel consumption.
Injector spray patterns

I had use of a fuel injector tester, where you can set up four injector's and squirt fuel through them hanging in a glass tube so you can visually test the injector's spray pattern,flow rate and dribble.
I found that the spray pattern on three of my injectors was fairly even with no offset spray so these injectors would operate fine, yet one had major offset and would operate poorly due to there being poor atomisation in the cylinder.
The flow rate of all four injectors was (60ml-20sec) 180cc. of fuel per minute. which met the manufactures spec's.
There was no dribble or leakage in all four injectors I tested this by spraying fuel out of the injector's and then shutting it off, Then looked for any excess fuel to dribble out but none was recorded.
Results below

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